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Margaret Florence Sherwood Reid (1923-2020)
Margaret Florence Sherwood Reid (1923-2020) Margaret Florence Sherwood Reid (Peggy) Glens Falls, New York 1923-2020 still-life, portraits, landscape, and was a student of Weber Furlong in Glens Falls. For many years, she promoted the Hyde as a docent and was membership chair. She would get commissions for portraits, as well as numerous awards for her creative subject matter. NYS Capital commissioned her to paint portraits of judges, which are now hanging in the state capital. She painted a portrait of a Vietnam Veteran, made prints, and donated the money to the war monument at SUNY Adirondack. The original is hanging at SUNY, and a framed print is at Glens Falls City Hall. You can see other paintings created by Peggy in many office buildings, at Glens Falls Hospital and in private homes locally. Her children have observed that, in life, she was often shy about expressing her deepest emotions, but they were clear in her paintings, many of which showed the influence of Peggy’s study of the unflinchingly realistic style of Lucien Freud.

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