Meet Weber Furlong
We understand that putting the academic excellence. Of the next generation of artists and art historians on display is an important endeavor.

Weber Furlong Biography
The Treasured Collection of Golden Heart Farm
The Treasured Collection of Golden Heart farm. Tells the life story and explains the legacy of Wilhelmina Weber Furlong (1872-1962). Accepted into the Alfred H. Barr archives. At the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan. Additionally, the St Louis Art Museum, and the Missouri History Museum research center in St Louis. Subsequently this biography was recognized at the Adirondack Museum Research Library.
Moreover, the publication of her travels has shed light into a long-lost chapter in American art history. To clarify the great grandnephew to Weber Furlong. Clint Weber correspondingly tells the narrative of Wilhelmina Weber Furlong. America’s most significant early American woman modern artist. Weber Furlong pioneered the modernist movement. In Paris, Mexico, New York City, Glens Falls, and Bolton Landing, New York. Beginning in the early 1890s. Described as the foremother to American modern art. To conclude Weber Furlong made her influence felt by laying the groundwork for the climax of the American modern art movement.
Weber Furlong quote
“To live is to paint weber Furlong.”
Weber Furlong Publications
Weber publications and programs present the latest thinking on today’s most important topics. In art history and women in the arts. Through research and rigorous analysis. We get to the heart of the issues that matter most. To your museum, art gallery, workshop, or university program.
Subsequently we are always looking at the latest developments in art history and museum studies. Exploring the trends that are essential for curators, teachers, and administrators. To consider in a rapidly changing and increasingly competitive environment.
Our professionals have a history of generating groundbreaking ideas. Alternatively resulting in breakthrough concepts. That have become standard practice for museum and educational programs today. Consequently, Weber publications will help create advantage in your area of interest. Without the huge fees you are accustomed to.
Educational Material Produced
Art catalogues
Soft cover, case bound, linen, or wrapped
Professionally published for each program
Created for every event
Special editions
Curriculum Materials
Event Literature